Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here Come the Irish


I'm alive and well and coming down on my third week here at Notre Dame. I really, really wanted to update sooner, but I've been up to my eyeballs with various and sundry activities such as Frosh-O (freshman orientation, a good time indeed), going to class, doing homework, finding my way around, occasionally working out, hanging out at soccer games, signing up for clubs and activities, admiring the Dome from many, many angles (it's still really pretty), calling home every now and again, and searching for free t-shirts and free food.

Really, life is great here. It's a whirlwind, but I'm so, so happy and so, so lucky to be here. There's a Notre Dame t-shirt that I've seen around campus a few times that really struck me. It says "If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough."

On another note, you may or may not know that this weekend is a football weekend! I will be attending my first-ever Notre Dame football game and I cannot wait. Our boys made us proud in Dublin last weekend against Navy (yes, I got up at 8:55 AM and rolled downstairs in my pajamas for my hall's gamewatch) and everyone is hoping for a repeat performance against Purdue. If you want minute-to-minute updates and pictures, check my Twitter (@nicolemcalee)!

I promise I'll be updating more frequently now, so please check back soon!